The iPhone time is always Set to 9:41 AM in every Advertisement
Have you ever notice that in every iPhone
advertisement time is always set to 9:41 AM?
There is always a reason for everything at Apple. And that even includes the time displayed on the devices in promotional materials.
It even extends to print ads and television commercials. That time used to be 9:42. You could see it across various commercials, print ads, and even on Apple's site itself.
The Reason Behind this is very simple: 9:41 is the time when Steve Jobs announced the very first iPhone in 2007.
Around 42 minutes into his keynote address, he said,
"Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone." And a picture of the iPhone, displaying the time 9:42, popped up on the screen behind him.
But that all changed in 2010 when the very first iPad was released. When that was revealed, it displayed a different time: 9:41

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